While Emerald Zoysia can handle a number of different temperatures and an irregular watering schedule, it thrives when given the appropriate time and maintenance. When properly taken care of, Emerald Zoysia is often considered the most attractive of the Zoysia grass species.
Hot Weather Tolerance: | Tolerates extreme heat very well |
Shade Tolerance: | Ideal in areas of full sun or medium shade |
Wear Resistance: | Tolerates wear and traffic well. Has been used in large venues for entertainment and picnic |
Salt Tolerance: | Good |
Injury Recovery: | Recovers from injury slowly because of its slow-growing nature |
Winter Color: | Dormant |
Mowing Height: | 1 1/2 inches with a rotary or reel lawnmower |
Disease, Weed and Insect Resistance: | Very resistant to diseases. Thickness crowds out weeds and other grasses. |
Apply 2 to 4 lbs. of slow-release nitrogen per 1,000 square feet annually. Too much fertilizer creates a thatchy, unhealthy lawn. Make sure to use fertilizer labeled specifically for zoysia lawns.
Apply 1 inch of water per week.
Maintain a cutting height of 1 to 1 1/2 inches by mowing every 7 to 10 days. Make sure your mower blades are smart. Can be mowed with a standard rotary mower, but the lawn looks better when mowed with a reel mower.
If you're interested in outfitting your Atlanta property with Emerald Zoysia sod, please give us a call or send us an email today for a quote. We are happy to help you achieve the goals you have for your Atlanta property.